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Torrance Chamber of Commerce Makes a Visit to DocMagic

Written by DocMagic | 02/22/2013

DocMagic was proud to host the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) recently on a tour of our award winning Technology Center.

Board Ambassador, Theresa Mack, Senior Account Executive, Dan Thomas and Economic Development Manager, Fran Fulton joined us for the afternoon and we walked them through DocMagic’s American Institute of Architecture (AIA) Honors Award-winning space. The Technology Center has a unique and modern design throughout the light and open work spaces.

Along the way, we made sure our guests learned that DocMagic’s multi-million-dollar, state-of-the-art Technology Center is more than just a pretty face. We spent much of the tour talking about how much attention we focus on maintaining data security. Behind the scenes our beautiful facility is a model of both beefed-up networking capacity and high-security protocols.

Thanks TACC for coming, we’re happy to be “in the neighborhood”.

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