DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.


­­Ask the eClosing Team: What components do you need for a full eClosing?

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. Today’s...
Author: Pauline Vu

DocMagic named a 5-Star Mortgage Technology Provider for 2021

DocMagic was recently honored with Mortgage Professional America (MPA) Magazine’s 5-Star Mortgage Technology Provider Award.
Author: Pauline Vu

How to overcome one of the key hurdles to eClosing implementation

Before the pandemic, one of the major roadblocks to implementing eClosings was a lack of serious commitment. Companies talked the talk when it came...
Author: Pauline Vu

DocMagic to attend fall mortgage trade shows; let’s connect!

With in-person events back in full swing, we’re excited to announce that DocMagic is hitting the road this fall and attending some of the mortgage...
Author: Pauline Vu

Did You Know: A basic hybrid eClosing is easier than you think?

For many lenders used to a paper-based mortgage process, an electronic closing may feel out of reach. Why? “The county recorder won’t accept it.” “My...
Author: Pauline Vu

Ask the eClosing Team: Why are eNotes better than paper? (and other burning questions)

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. Today’s...
Author: Pauline Vu
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DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row
The digital mortgage landscape for 2025...and why I'm...
DocMagic’s Michael Morford Wins HousingWire’s Tech...
Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage...
The essential role of an eVault in today’s digital mortgage...

Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

Download now