DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.

Posts about: Document Generation


DocMagic introduces critical ADA-compliant loan documents

DocMagic, Inc., the premier provider of fully-compliant loan document generation, regulatory compliance, and comprehensive eMortgage services,...
Author: DocMagic

FormAnalyzer 2.0 puts Form Management under your control!

FormAnalyzer™ by DocMagic allows users to view, manage, customize and configure their electronic forms from within a powerful, self-service web...
Author: DocMagic

Did You Know: You can cut out the middleman and draw your own docs?

Some lenders pay an intermediary, such as a law firm, processing center or fulfillment company, to generate their mortgage documents and conduct...
Author: Pauline Vu

Did You Know: You can get all your eClosing needs met by one vendor?

Some lenders think the only path to an eClosing is by employing a wide variety of vendors; for example, one vendor for document generation, another...
Author: Pauline Vu

AmeriSave leverages DocMagic’s Total eClose, doc gen solutions to maximize productivity

AmeriSave, one of the country’s largest mortgage lenders — best known for pioneering the first truly digital mortgage experience for borrowers — has...
Author: DocMagic

What is data validation and why is it so important?

The first step of a closing is for a massive amount of information — about the borrower, the property and the type of loan — to be entered into the...
Author: Pauline Vu
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DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row
The digital mortgage landscape for 2025...and why I'm...
DocMagic’s Michael Morford Wins HousingWire’s Tech...
Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage...
The essential role of an eVault in today’s digital mortgage...

Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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