DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.

Posts about: eClosing


The digital mortgage landscape for 2025...and why I'm excited

I'm Pat Theodora. 38 years ago I helped found DocMagic, and today, as its leader, I continue to be motivated to drive innovation and efficiency in...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic Appoints Chris Lewis Director of Sales

Today, we're proud to announce the promotion of Chris Lewis to the role of Director of Sales. Chris is tasked with building on DocMagic’s success as...
Author: DocMagic

Ask the eClosing Team: What are current trends in eClosing adoption?

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. Today’s...
Author: Leah Sommerville

A key to eClosing: the developing case of the SECURE Act

Recently, we reported that the House passed the SECURE Notarization Act of 2023, which is a bipartisan bill leading the charge to modernize the...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic provides eClosing and eVault technology for Barr Group Mortgage’s First eNote Transaction through Click n’ Close’s non-delegated correspondent eNote program

Alabama-based mortgage banker Barr Group Mortgage completed the first eNote transaction through Click n’ Close’s non-delegated correspondent eNote...
Author: DocMagic

CUSO leaps over hybrid eClose to offer fully electronic loan closings

Superior Financial Solutions, LLC, a CUSO owned by Superior Financial Credit Union, chose DocMagic’s Total eClose solution for completely paperless...
Author: DocMagic
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DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row
The digital mortgage landscape for 2025...and why I'm...
DocMagic’s Michael Morford Wins HousingWire’s Tech...
Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage...
The essential role of an eVault in today’s digital mortgage...

Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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