DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.

Posts about: eNotes


Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage Business

Welcome to the era of digital transformation in the mortgage industry. As more lenders use eClosing strategies to complete faster closings on...
Author: DocMagic

Brian D. Pannell of DocMagic Wins HousingWire's Vanguard Award

Today, we're proud to reveal that Brian D. Pannell, our Chief eServices Executive, has been honored with a prestigious Vanguard Award by HousingWire....
Author: DocMagic

Ask the eClosing Team: Unlocking the potential of hybrid eClosings

When a lender comes to us requesting a digital mortgage closing transformation, we often recommend a “crawl, walk, run” strategy: in other words, we...
Author: Leah Sommerville

The competitive advantage of eNote technology

Dominic Iannitti, President and CEO of DocMagic, answers questions about eNote adoption — as well as how far the industry, DocMagic and its clients...
Author: Dominic Iannitti

Ask the eClosing Team: What are current trends in eClosing adoption?

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. Today’s...
Author: Leah Sommerville

DocMagic provides eClosing and eVault technology for Barr Group Mortgage’s First eNote Transaction through Click n’ Close’s non-delegated correspondent eNote program

Alabama-based mortgage banker Barr Group Mortgage completed the first eNote transaction through Click n’ Close’s non-delegated correspondent eNote...
Author: DocMagic
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DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row
The digital mortgage landscape for 2025...and why I'm...
DocMagic’s Michael Morford Wins HousingWire’s Tech...
Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage...
The essential role of an eVault in today’s digital mortgage...

Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

Download now