DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.

Posts about: Total eClose


100% Digital, 100% Delight: eClosing means great customer experiences

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern lending, the integration of cutting-edge technology with exceptional customer service has emerged as a...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic and Finastra announce integration to transform closings

Asthe leader in fully-compliant loan document generation and comprehensive eMortgage services, today, we’re proud to announce the integration of our...
Author: DocMagic

MISMO seeks comments on VA form & David Garrett speaks on MISMO

The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO)—the forerunning body deciding on operational standards for the real estate...
Author: DocMagic

Ask the eClosing Team: How do I get started with eClosing?

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. These...
Author: Leah Sommerville

We’re making eClosing easier!

Now borrowers can participate in an eClosing on the same device! To join a typical eClosing event, each borrower receives a unique email invitation...
Author: DocMagic

Coastal Credit Union Chooses DocMagic’s Total eClose

We’re happy to announce that Coastal Credit Union has chosen DocMagic’s Total eClose solution for completely paperless electronic mortgage loan...
Author: DocMagic
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Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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