DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.


3 reasons why underwriters haven't jumped on the RON bandwagon

Even as demand for remote online notarization (RON) grows, underwriters and settlement agents are hesitant to fully embrace it. They have some good...
Author: Pauline Vu

RON vs. RIN (remote ink-signed notarization): What's the difference?

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, several states issued emergency orders to allow remote notarizations, joining 23 that already had permanent laws...
Author: Pauline Vu

Webinar: How mortgage industry should adapt to COVID landscape

For the mortgage industry, a lot has changed in a short amount of time—especially when it comes to remote online notarization (RON), according to the...
Author: Pauline Vu

Pandemic leads to growing acceptance of eClosings: News source

The coronavirus pandemic has led to wide-ranging industry acceptance of eMortgages, eNotes, and digital closings, according to a recent article in...
Author: Pauline Vu

New support for power of attorney (POA) transactions amid COVID-19

A recent DocMagic update has made it easier to conduct transactions that involve someone with power of attorney (POA) acting on a borrower’s behalf,...
Author: Pauline Vu

DocMagic expedites eNotary workflow for settlement service providers

DocMagic has improved the process for for settlement agents to link up with notary providers to complete an eNotarization—especially a remote online...
Author: Pauline Vu
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