DocMagic Blog

DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row


We're honored to share that we've been recognized by HousingWire as one of the most innovative and impactful mortgage technology firms in the U.S. housing economy again for 2025. We’re one of only a handful of vendors to earn a spot on the coveted list every single year since the Tech 100 program started.

Pat Theodora, our co-founder and CEO, commented, “For 38 years and counting, DocMagic has stayed true to its core mission of reducing clients’ reliance on paper by automating manual tasks while ensuring compliance throughout the mortgage process. DocMagic is honored to again receive recognition for our unrelenting efforts to facilitate adoption of digital mortgages."

DocMagic was an early supporter of the ESIGN Act of 2000, implementing eSignature functionality on all of our loan documents and embracing the industry vision of achieving a true eMortgage. We developed numerous technology breakthroughs, including transformative mortgage technology solutions that accompany hard-driving adoption and educational campaigns.

Throughout 2024, we further deepened AI exploration in various areas of our compliance solutions and digital lending products, with the goal of further minimizing human intervention and maximizing business efficiencies through a digital workforce.

We also added important new features and functionality to our proprietary eNote registry solution, SmartREGISTRY™, which established easier eNote setup for lender clients via direct integration with the MERS® eRegistry system. This has dramatically simplified and expedited the eNote process for lenders, boosting client adoption of eNotes in 2024 and increasing RON adoption as well.

Our SmartREGISTRY solution works seamlessly with our SmartSAFE® eVault technology, which also integrates with Total eClose™, our comprehensive, completely paperless eClosing system. Total eClose integrates tightly with contemporary LOS platforms, establishing a streamlined, easy, efficient workflow for lender closing staff.

“The 2025 Tech100 honorees are driving real transformation in mortgage and real estate,” said Sarah Wheeler, Editor-in-Chief at HousingWire. “These companies are not just enhancing processes—they're redefining what’s possible. From streamlining lending operations to elevating the real estate experience, their innovations are paving the way for a more efficient and dynamic housing market.” The full list of 2025 Tech100 Mortgage winners can be found on HousingWire’s website.

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