DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.


SmartCLOSE Wins 2016 Progress in Lending Innovations Award!

SmartCLOSETM, DocMagic's collaborative TRID compliant closing portal is a winner of the 2016 Progress in Lending Innovations Award! With a goal to...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic Announces the Formal Launch of its New Total eClosing Solution

Presss Release: Transforms the entire mortgage process from initial eDisclosure to final eClosing and investor eDelivery TORRANCE, Calif., March 30,...
Author: DocMagic

We're going BIG at MBA Tech 2016

Mark your Calendars! We're celebrating the innovative eFuture of the mortgage industry on April 3 - 6 at MBA's Technology Convention & Expo in Los...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic Unveils New Premium Rep and Warrant Offering Guaranteed TRID Compliance up to $5 Million

Press Release: DocMagic puts its money where its mouth is with the most far-reaching compliance guarantee of its kind in the mortgage industry...
Author: DocMagic

Revolutionizing Mortgage Lending

Dominic Iannitti, president and CEO of DocMagic, talked candidly about what the mortgage industry needs to do to improve the lending process. With...
Author: DocMagic

Paperless Automation Key to Lender Compliance and Competition

After lenders and their technology providers spent much of 2015 implementing the TILA-RESPA integrated disclosures, forthcoming compliance audits and...
Author: DocMagic
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DocMagic named a Tech100 Winner 13 years in a row
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Unlock the Power of eNote Technology for Your Mortgage...
The essential role of an eVault in today’s digital mortgage...

Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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