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Posts about: eClosing (2)


­­Ask the eClosing Team: What components do you need for a full eClosing?

Welcome to Ask the eClosing Team, an ongoing series where DocMagic’s eClosing pros tackle real questions that we’re hearing from lenders. Today’s...
Author: Pauline Vu

How to overcome one of the key hurdles to eClosing implementation

Before the pandemic, one of the major roadblocks to implementing eClosings was a lack of serious commitment. Companies talked the talk when it came...
Author: Pauline Vu

Did You Know: A basic hybrid eClosing is easier than you think?

For many lenders used to a paper-based mortgage process, an electronic closing may feel out of reach. Why? “The county recorder won’t accept it.” “My...
Author: Pauline Vu

Digital closings rose 228% in 2020: ALTA survey

The number of title and settlement companies that offer eClosings increased 228% in 2020, according to ALTA’s 2021 Digital Closing Survey of 300...
Author: Pauline Vu

3 reasons why your post-closing department loves eClosings and eNotes

Lenders are finding there are a host of upsides to eClosings — and their post-closing departments are reaping some of the main benefits.
Author: Pauline Vu

Did You Know: You can get all your eClosing needs met by one vendor?

Some lenders think the only path to an eClosing is by employing a wide variety of vendors; for example, one vendor for document generation, another...
Author: Pauline Vu
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Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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