DocMagic Blog

Navigate the shifting mortgage landscape.

Posts about: Total eClose (2)


Case study: Amid pandemic, new lender flourishes in remote environment

At the start of the pandemic, companies across America were abruptly forced to send their employees home and quickly scramble to adjust to remote...
Author: Pauline Vu

Community State Bank now offering paperless eClosings via Total eClose

Community State Bank, which has seven locations across southeast Wisconsin, has implemented DocMagic’s full suite of eClosing solutions and is now...
Author: DocMagic

DocMagic teams up with Simplifile to facilitate eClosing adoption

DocMagic is joining forces with Simplifile, a document collaboration and eRecording provider, to create new process efficiencies that will further...
Author: Pauline Vu

MortgageCountry closing loans in 13 days using DocMagic solutions

During its first two months of lending, MortgageCountry has been closing loans in an average of 13 calendar days—setting a new standard for speed.
Author: Pauline Vu

County recorders, eRecording, and RON — by the numbers

At DocMagic’s May 27 webinar, “Road-Tested eClosing Strategies for Today,” Ben Sherman, president of real estate recording services firm Synrgo,...
Author: Pauline Vu

DocMagic expedites eNotary workflow for settlement service providers

DocMagic has improved the process for for settlement agents to link up with notary providers to complete an eNotarization—especially a remote online...
Author: Pauline Vu
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Download the Truliant Federal Credit Union Case Study

Truliant took several key steps to refine its 100% digital eClosing process — including finding the right technology partner.

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